What Jobs Can You Get With A Information Technology Degree

What Jobs Can You Get With A Information Technology Degree

What Jobs Can You Get With A Information Technology Degree

Information technology is one of the most in-demand fields today. From small businesses to large corporations, everyone needs IT professionals to help them manage their data and systems. If you’re thinking about pursuing a career in IT, you’ll be glad to know that there are a variety of options available to you. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the different jobs you can get with an information technology degree.

What is information technology?

Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. IT is considered to be a subset of information and communications technology (ICT).

In 2015, the United States spent more than $82 billion on IT, with more than two-thirds going to hardware, one-fifth to software, and the remainder to services. The UK spent £31 billion on IT in 2014, while China’s IT expenditure for 2013 was estimated at around $US420 billion.

IT has become an integral part of many industries, including healthcare, banking, manufacturing, government, and retail. Jobs in IT are expected to grow at a faster rate than the average for all occupations from 2014 to 2024.*

Some examples of job titles in IT include computer support specialist, network administrator, computer systems analyst, and database administrator. Salary ranges for these positions vary depending on experience and location but can range from $50,000 to over $100,000 per year.

*Bureau of Labor Statistics

What types of jobs can you get with an information technology degree?

An information technology degree can help you land a variety of different types of jobs. You could work in the IT department of a large corporation, or you might choose to be self-employed and work as a consultant. You could also use your skills to start your own IT-related business.

Some specific job titles that you might be able to get with an information technology degree include computer support specialist, network administrator, and computer systems analyst. With the right experience and training, you could also eventually become a chief information officer (CIO) or other senior-level executive.

The job market for information technology professionals is expected to grow by about 12% between 2018 and 2028, so now is a great time to consider pursuing a degree in this field. With an information technology degree, you can have a stable career with plenty of room for growth.

What are the benefits of working in information technology?

The benefits of working in information technology are many and varied. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is the potential for high earnings. A recent survey by Robert Half found that IT professionals in the United States earn an average salary of $87,500 per year.

In addition to high earnings, a career in information technology can offer a great deal of job satisfaction. IT professionals often enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems and the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies.

Another significant benefit of working in information technology is the relatively low barrier to entry. Unlike many other professions, you don’t need years of expensive education or training to qualify for most IT jobs. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field is often all that’s required.

Finally, IT professionals enjoy excellent job security. The demand for qualified IT workers is high and only expected to grow in the coming years. So if you’re looking for a stable and rewarding career, information technology may be the perfect choice for you.

What are the best companies to work for in information technology?

There are many great companies to work for in the information technology field. Some of the best companies to work for include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. These companies are leaders in the industry and offer great salaries and benefits.

How to advance your career in information technology

If you’re looking to move up in your information technology career, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re on the right track. First, continue learning and keeping up with new technologies. It’s important to be able to not only use the latest technologies, but also understand how they work and how they can be used in your company’s systems. Additionally, stay current on industry trends and news. This will not only make you more knowledgeable about your field, but also show potential employers that you’re invested in your career.

Another way to advance your information technology career is to get certified in various technologies. Many employers prefer or require employees to have certifications, so this can give you a leg up when applying for jobs. There are many different certification exams available, so choose the ones that are most relevant to the position you’re interested in and the technologies you use most often.

Finally, networking is another important way to advance your career. Get connected with other professionals in your field, attend industry events, and join professional organizations. These connections can help you learn about new job opportunities, get advice and feedback from others in the field, and keep up with industry news and trends.


There are numerous jobs that you can get with an information technology degree. The most popular positions include computer programmers, software engineers, and network administrators. However, there are many other options available to those with this type of degree. Some other potential jobs include database administrators, computer support specialists, and web developers. With the ever-growing popularity of information technology, the possibilities are endless for those with the right skillset.

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