A Charge Nurse Is Reviewing Techniques For The Safe Administration

A Charge Nurse Is Reviewing Techniques For The Safe Administration

As a charge nurse, one of your responsibilities is to review techniques for the safe administration of medications. This is an important task, as errors in medication administration can lead to serious patient harm. There are a number of ways to help ensure that medications are administered safely. In this blog post, we will explore some of these techniques. We will also provide tips on how to select the best method for each individual patient.

Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a common and essential treatment in many clinical settings. It can be used to deliver medications or fluids, and to draw blood samples. IV therapy requires the use of a needle or catheter to access a vein, so it is important that nurses take care to administer it safely.

There are several considerations for safe IV administration, including:

– Selecting the appropriate size needle or catheter
– Inserting the needle or catheter into the vein at the right angle
– Securing the IV line and ensuring that it does not kink
– Flushing the IV line as directed
– Monitoring the patient’s response to the IV therapy

Safe Administration of Intravenous Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a treatment that involves the administration of liquid medications directly into the veins. It is a common and effective way to deliver medication to patients, but it does come with some risks. In order to minimize the risks associated with IV therapy, it is important to follow some basic safety guidelines.

One of the most important things to remember when administering IV therapy is to maintain aseptic technique. This means keeping the area where the IV will be inserted clean and free of contaminants. It is also important to use sterile equipment when inserting the IV catheter.

Another important consideration is avoiding infiltration and extravasation. Infiltration occurs when the IV fluid leaks into the surrounding tissue, while extravasation happens when the fluid leaks out of the vein and into the surrounding tissue. Both can cause pain and irritation, and in severe cases can lead to tissue damage. To avoid these complications, it is important to carefully monitor the IV site for any signs of leakage or infiltration.

Finally, it is also important to be aware of potential complications that can occur with IV therapy. These include phlebitis (inflammation of the vein), thrombophlebitis (formation of a blood clot in the vein), and infection. To help prevent these complications, it is important to keep the IV site clean and dry, and to monitor the patient closely for any signs or symptoms of these conditions.


There are many potential hazards associated with venipuncture, but with proper training and vigilance, these risks can be minimized. Some of the most common risks include:

-Needle stick injuries: This is a very real hazard for healthcare workers who perform venipuncture on a regular basis. Needle sticks can not only lead to pain and discomfort, but can also transmit serious diseases.

-Infection: Venipuncture sites are prone to infection if they are not properly cared for. It is important to clean the site before and after the procedure and to use sterile equipment.

-Bleeding: Although it is not usually serious, excessive bleeding can occur at the venipuncture site. This can be minimized by applying pressure to the site after the procedure.

-Bruising: Another common side effect of venipuncture is bruising. This can usually be avoided by using a smaller gauge needle and being careful not to puncture too deeply.

Peripheral Catheterization

Peripheral catheterization is a common procedure in which a small tube, called a catheter, is inserted into a vein in the arm or leg. The catheter is then threaded through the veins to the heart.

This procedure is used to draw blood, give fluids or medications intravenously (IV), or take measurements of the heart’s function. It is also sometimes used to insert a temporary pacing wire if the patient’s heart rate is too slow.

Peripheral catheterization can be performed in either an outpatient or inpatient setting. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and is generally considered safe. Complications are rare but can include infection, bleeding, and damage to the vein.

Central Venous Catheterization

One of the most important techniques for safe administration of medications is central venous catheterization. This is a procedure in which a catheter is inserted into a vein in the chest, often through the subclavian or internal jugular vein. The catheter is then threaded through the veins to the heart.

This technique is used when intravenous access is required but peripheral veins are not accessible or when medications need to be given directly to the bloodstream. Central venous catheterization can be very helpful in providing intravenous access for patients who are critically ill or who require long-term care.

However, this technique carries with it a risk of complications, such as infection, bleeding, and clotting. It is important that all nurses who are responsible for administering medications through a central venous catheter take steps to ensure the safety of their patients.

PICC Lines

PICC lines are long, thin tubes that are inserted through a vein in the arm and passed through to the larger veins near the heart. They are used to give intravenous (IV) drugs or fluids over a long period of time, usually days or weeks.

PICC lines are placed under the skin and held in place with stitches (sutures). A small dressing is placed over the insertion site. The end of the tube is passed through a needleless connector (cap) to keep it from being pulled out.

There are several steps that must be taken to ensure the safe administration of PICC lines:

1. Check the placement of the PICC line before each use. The tip of the catheter should be visible on an x-ray and should be in the correct position in the vein.

2. Use only sterile supplies when accessing the PICC line. This includes sterile gloves, aseptic technique, and sterile dressings.

3. Keep the area around the PICC line clean and dry. The dressing should be changed regularly, as directed by your healthcare provider.

4. Flush the PICC line with saline before and after each use, as well as frequently throughout the day, to prevent clots from forming in the catheter.

5. Be sure to monitor for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or drainage at the insertion site


As a charge nurse, it is important to review safe administration techniques with your staff on a regular basis. This will help to ensure that medications are being given correctly and safely. There are many resources available to help you review these techniques, so be sure to take advantage of them.

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