Quick Guide to Using Topic Clusters to Improve Your SEO 

Quick Guide to Using Topic Clusters to Improve Your SEO 

If you’re looking to boost your SEO with content marketing, using a topic clusters strategy is an effective way to do it. But how do you go about doing it? Essentially, topic clusters are a series of content pieces that revolve around one theme keyword. They’re designed to create a one-stop shop for searchers.  

Topic clusters are a key component of your SEO content marketing strategy. They help you attract organic traffic, improve customer engagement, and boost search engine rankings. To build a topic cluster content strategy, start by determining the main topics important to your business and customers. You can perform keyword research using SEMrush, AgencyEasy, or Ahref SEO tools. 

Once you have your main topic in mind, it’s time to brainstorm keywords and subtopics that relate to it. These should be long-tail keywords that will bring visitors specifically searching for what you have to offer. If you are unsure about how to do it, go for one of the leading SEO services in Boise for your business.

Read along to learn more about how topic clusters can improve your SEO: 

1. Focus on the Pillar Content 

One way to improve your pillar content is to create a keyword-oriented topic cluster content strategy. This will help you make your page more keyword-friendly and rank higher on search engines. To start, brainstorm a list of relevant topics for your audience. This could include a list of questions you get from customers or a buyer persona that represents your target audience. 

Next, write a pillar page that covers the core topic. This should be about 3,000 to 5,000 words and will be used as the foundation for your cluster content. To learn more about using content clusters SEO, reach out to one of your business’s leading digital marketing agencies. 

2. Create Internal Links 

Using topic clusters in your SEO content marketing strategy is one of the best ways to boost your search engine rankings. They help you show Google that your pages are relevant to a specific keyword and more authoritative than your competitors. Topic clusters also provide a good structure for your website and pages, which helps search engines understand your content better.  

Internal links are crucial in a topic cluster, as they signal to search engines that your pages are part of the same ensemble. This helps Google rank your pages where they deserve to be. They also help you avoid keyword cannibalization, which is when one page ranks higher than another.

3. Create a Call-To-Action 

In order to maximize your organic traffic, you need quality content that ranks highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). Topic clusters strategy can help you do just that. Topic clusters are groups of pages that focus on specific user intent and usually contain informational pages with effective call-to-action buttons. It also includes a pillar page, a high-volume piece of content that gives the entire group authority. 

Creating a call-to-action on your pillar content is vital for your SEO success. It is usually focused on a broader subject area and tends to target higher-volume keywords. The accompanying cluster content will typically explore subtopics or common questions and target lower-volume keywords. 

4. Create a Shareable Image 

A great way to boost your SEO topic clusters is to create and use shareable images throughout your content. Topic clusters are a group of interlinked web pages centered on a big content known as pillar content. Using shareable images in content improves the searcher’s overall experience. Topic clusters backed with informative ideas help provide the right content at the right time. 

Audit your existing content pages and group them by topic focus to get started. If necessary, create a pillar page that covers your topic’s main aspects and add as many useful and shareable images as possible; optimize cluster content pages to support that. 

5. Create a Resource Page 

Topic clusters build relationships with other content creators and bloggers. That’s a great way to increase your visibility and traffic, and it helps you build credibility with your audience. To do this, you need to find some useful third-party resources on a topic that interests your audience and reach out to them to ask them to add your content to their resource page.

Hiring a leading SEO agency is advisable to get the best of SEO topic clusters. When you do that, it’s important to provide a lot of value for the webmaster. This doesn’t have to be huge in order for you to get a link, but it needs to be something that benefits them and their audience significantly. 

6. Thorough Keyword Research 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important marketing strategy. It can help drive traffic, leads, and sales to your website by making it easier for people to find your business online. Keyword research is the first step in any SEO strategy. It helps you identify opportunities to rank for specific keywords and understand what your target audience is looking for. 

You can do this with various tools, including keyword research platforms like Moz, AgencyEasy, HubSpot, and SEMrush. The goal is to choose topics that are relevant to your business goals and align with user intent. Content clusters can improve your SEO efforts effectively, gaining long-term success for your business. 

7. Well-Defined Content Planning 

One of the best ways to boost your website’s search rankings is through topic clusters. These are organized pieces of content aimed at answering users’ questions about your industry. You’ll need to brainstorm topics that fit your business and your audience to get started. This can be done in several ways, including working with team members to develop ideas. 

To boost your content clusters SEO rankings, you’ll need to refresh your existing pages and include internal links between the pillar and the subtopic pages. This will create a natural flow to the page and help Google understand your website’s coverage of the topic.  

8. From the Scratch Content Creation 

When planning for your SEO content, you must consider what your audience cares about. Understanding their interests, buying habits, and other information about your target market will help you create relevant content that appeals to them. One of the most important aspects of your content strategy is keyword research. 

A good way to find potential keywords is to look for similar terms and phrases that are being searched by your target audience. These can be grouped into topic clusters that cater to Google’s LSI algorithm, improving your SEO by ensuring you’re catering to searcher intent. 

9. Powerful Link Building 

Link building is a vital part of search engine optimization but can also be difficult to manage. To improve your SEO, use the topic cluster content strategy to group related pages on a single topic together and add links between them. This makes it easier for Google to understand your content’s relationship, hierarchy, and context, increasing their ability to rank it well on SERPs. 

If you’re a brand with many different products and services, it’s a good idea to develop your website around the areas that matter most to your business. This helps Google see your site as an industry authority in those areas. Contact a leading SEO agency to learn more about topic clusters strategy.

Key Takeaways 

Keep in mind that it’s important to keep your pillar page and content clusters optimized for mobile users, as they will account for most of your traffic. By keeping your cluster content updated, you can maintain your rankings in search engines. This will help you attract more organic traffic to your site, which is an important goal for any company looking to increase its online sales.  

The best part of the topic clusters strategy is that it can be used for various topics and audiences. Moreover, it can be applied to any website. Ultimately, it’s a content strategy you can implement and expand as your business grows. 


Edwin Brown is working with Morningdove Marketing, a digital marketing firm in the USA. He is devoted to finding avant-garde solutions for SEO and digital marketing challenges and enjoys sharing his knowledge with those in need.

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