What Is Information Technology Literacy

What Is Information Technology Literacy

What Is Information Technology Literacy

Information technology (IT) literacy is the ability to use computers and information technologies in effective ways. It encompasses not only understanding the basic concepts of computing and telecommunications, but also knowing how to use software and equipment.

What is information technology literacy?

Information technology literacy is the ability to know how to use information technology tools and applications for work or personal purposes. It encompasses not only knowing how to use a computer but also being able to understand the concepts behind it, such as data storage and retrieval, emailing, surfing the internet, and using software programs.

One way to measure information technology literacy is through the National Technology Literacy Survey (NTLS). The NTLS is a nationwide survey that collects data on people’s knowledge and skills in using computers and electronic communications technologies. The survey is administered every other year by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

According to the NTLS 2016 results, 54% of respondents were “able to use computers for some activities”, while only 30% were “able to use computers for most activities”. This indicates that there is still room for improvement in terms of Americans’ knowledge and skill in using technology.

If you want your business or organization to be able to compete in today’s economy, it is important that your employees have basic knowledge of information technology. There are many ways you can help them learn about information technology, such as providing training

What are the benefits of having information technology literacy?

Information Technology Literacy is the ability to use technology effectively. Individuals who are proficient in information technology often have an advantage over those who are not. There are many benefits to having information technology literacy.

One benefit is that individuals who are proficient in information technology often have an advantage over those who are not because they can more easily find and use information. They can also communicate with others more easily through email and other forms of communication tools because they understand how to use them.

Another benefit of having information technology literacy is that individuals can save money. Because they know how to use technology, they can often find cheaper ways to do things, such as using online resources instead of going to a library or using software that is available for free.

Finally, individuals who are proficient in information technology often have an advantage over those who are not because they can protect their data. They can encrypt their data and passwords so that no one else can access it unless they have the correct information.

What are the skills and knowledge required for Information Technology Literacy?

In order to be proficient in using information technology (IT), one must have a good understanding of the basics of computing: how computers work, how to access and use online resources, and how to navigate software programs. Another important skill for IT professionals is problem solving, or being able to find solutions to technical problems. In order to be a successful IT worker, it is also necessary to have good communication and collaboration skills. Individuals who are comfortable working in a team setting will be more successful in their careers as IT professionals. Finally, it is important to have a good sense of judgment when making decisions about which technologies to use and how best to employ them. All of these skills are essential for success in the field of IT.

What are the steps necessary to acquire information technology literacy?

In order to be proficient in information technology, you need to first have a strong foundation in literacy skills. The steps necessary to acquire information technology literacy are as follows:

1) Learn the basic concepts of information technology. This includes understanding what information is, how it is used, and the different types of computers and software.

2) Get comfortable using computers. Start by learning how to search for information, use email, and open documents. Progressively learn more advanced features such as creating websites, editing photos, and working with databases.

3) Be able to problem solve. In addition to basics like locating files and opening programs, learn how to fix computer problems, find solutions online, and use software tools correctly.

4) Take classes or participate in workshops that focus on improving your knowledge of information technology. These can be found at local colleges or community centers.


Information technology literacy is the ability to use computers and information and communications technologies to access, create, manage, share, and understand digital information. It encompasses skills in using a computer, such as typing accurately, navigating through menus, using search engines, and understanding file formats; using an Internet browser; understanding how email works; being familiar with social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter; and being able to navigate basic software programs. In order to be effective in this field it is important that you have good problem-solving skills as well as the knowledge of the latest technological trends.

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